Vegan Fermented Oat Yogurt – By Anya Kassoff

IMG_5884I got this lovely book for birthday last year “The Vibrant Table” by Anya Kassoff and I love it! In there I found this amazing

Oat Yogurt recipe which we came to love, as we avoid dairy in our diet and really missed having yogurts.

Making this yogurt is extremely easy, and because this is a fermented food it is extremely beneficial for the digestive system, keeping your gut flora healthy and happy.

1 cup (200g) of oat groats, preferably raw.
1 cup (120g) of rolled oats


1- Rinse and drain the oat groats. In a bowl combine the oat groats (or pinhead oats) and rolled oats and cover with purified or filtered water,
keeping the water level about a inch (1 cm) above the
oats. Soak for 8 hours.
IMG_58912- In a high speed blender, blend the soaked oats with the soaking water until smooth. If to thick add more water. (The fermentation process does not thicken the yogurt). Pour the mixture in a large glass bowl.

3- Loosely cover the bowl with a lid or a cheese cloth and let the mixture sit or 1-3 days. Stir with a wooden spoon every 8 hours. The length of fermentation process will depend on kitchen temperature or on how tangy you want it.

You can blend this yogurt with nuts, frozen berries, honey…  Whatever you like! This is a simplified version of Anya’s recipe,so if you are really kin to know more buy her book. (


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